A month or so ago, while I was babysitting my friends' one-year-old baby, I picked him up and turned to lift him up and flared up a back injury that really took me out of the game for a couple of weeks. Finding any position that was comfortable was difficult and sitting at my computer typing was just not working for me. I worked on my book some and sort of let the blog sit on the back burner. Also, I have been struggling with fatigue and tiring easily for quite some time. As many of you regular readers already know I am a bit of a procrastinator and because of this, I really shot myself in the foot by not following up on a medical exam back in July. I had an ultrasound and some blood work done and because of my busy schedule and difficulty scheduling an appointment, I put off calling the Dr. office back until my symptoms got to be too much. Had I done so, I would have known BACK IN JULY that I am anemic. Duh!! Good to know. I'm taking iron and hopefully will be my old energetic self very soon! I also learned that I will have to have a surgery in May to take care of some issues that I have been dealing with. Though I'm not looking forward to the procedure and recovery, I'll be glad to have some issues resolved. Please keep me in your prayers.
After finally resolving these issues I came to the realization that there is a recurring question in my life that keeps popping up. "What are you waiting for?" I find myself doing a lot of waiting for things (or people) to line up just right instead of moving ahead and getting things accomplished or addressed as I should. Anyone else dealing with this? I've seen a lot of others in my life sort of stuck in the same holding pattern. Waiting. Putting things off. Waiting for others to move first. Why do we do this? In my case it is for a couple of reasons....
First of all...in all fairness, I have been super busy with kids, homework, cheer leading practices, singing a lot at church this past month, etc. My hubby has been working crazy long hours so he's not home as much as we would all like. Add to that a sore back and anemic lack of energy. I have pushed a lot of things to the side and have sort of been operating in 'survival mode' lately. Kids are happy, healthy, and doing great in school and the house is reasonably clean so I guess that is good enough for now. I guess you could say I've been doing the best I can with the cards I was dealt but in the back of my mind, I'm kicking myself for not going to the doctor sooner. Hindsight is always 20/20, right?
Enough with the excuses, already. I am going to make myself accountable to all of you right now and say that I am resolving to do better at getting things done more efficiently. I know I can do some things to optimize my effectiveness. In order to do this, I will have to do something that is inherently foreign to my nature. Yes, that's right...I'm going to have to become more....(dare I even say this detestable word) STRUCTURED. *Shudder* This has always been a challenge for me. I am most in my element when I am in the creative process. Working within a framework or structure or plan is not my forte. Still, I see that I need to just suck it up and get more organized and become a better planner. If any of you have any advice or wisdom for me in this area, I would love to hear your suggestions. The irony is that I am great at motivating and organizing others. Just have a hard time applying it to my own life. I'm eagerly awaiting your suggestions in this area!
Here's some good news that is sort of related to the topic of waiting....
Some of you know that I have been serving in the choir and then the worship team for about 5 years at Lakewood Church in Houston, TX. I have been given an opportunity to sing a duet with a dear friend this weekend during the offering. God is so faithful. Please be praying for me. I'm also getting over a cough and scratchy throat which is affecting my voice. I'm believing that God will use us to touch some hearts and that more than anything, we will be a reflection of God's love and mercy. I'm beyond humbled and super excited.
If you would like to tune in and watch, here's the link: http://www.lakewood.cc/pages/watchonline.aspx
Service times are: Saturday, March 3, at 7pm and Sunday, March 4 at 8:30 am and 11:00 am, Central time.
So glad you stopped by...